Goals and principles

To establish one Official Supporter’s Club (OSC) as the official network of Supporters Club Branches across the globe.

To increase support for all of the Birmingham City teams; (home and away; Men’s, Women’s and the Academy) and reward fans for their engagement.

To travel together, watch together, socialise together.

To increase mutual understanding between the Club and the fans through strengthened communication, dialogue and information cascade.

To fundraise in support of the Birmingham City Foundation.

To be an inclusive and respectful organisation that enhances the Club’s reputation.

The OSC is independent organisation that will be run by fans for the fans. It is not part of the Club, but is the only Supporter Group that the Club will recognise and collaborate with on a regular basis.

  1. Setting up a Branch of the Official Supporters Club (OSC):

The Supporters Club year runs from August to July.

Applications to form a new Branch are available from 1st August each year and all applications should be received and completed by 31st December when applications close.

To form a UK Branch you will be required to have a minimum of 20 members who must have a registered Client Reference Number from the Football Club, with 50% of the membership being 18 years of age or older. If you don’t have a Client Reference Number then you can get one by registering for free at this link

To form an overseas Branch, a minimum of 10 members are required. If any overseas members do not have Client Reference Numbers, then they can get one by registering for free at this link

From your membership, a Branch Committee has to be formed, with the following positions being mandatory: Branch Leader and Branch Assistant. These roles should be elected roles, with an election every two years. One person cannot hold more than one role and it is recommended that the holders of these two Roles are not from the same household / family. Other committee roles may be determined by the Branch and these will be shown on the Branch Portal.

All Branches will be given a unique Branch email address (eg  A minimum of two Branch Committee members must have access to this account.

Branches are encouraged  to keep a set of accounts, and a bank account should be opened in the Supporters Club Branch name, where income and expenses for the branch are to be deposited or made. In the  future, it is anticipated that this will become a requirement for all Branches.
Branches will require a room or venue in which to hold in person meetings, with venue details being shared with the Club. Alternatively, some meetings can be held online.

One delegate from each Branch (UK only) shall be selected to join the Executive Committee of the OSC and attend meetings on behalf of the Branch. These meetings will be held in person and virtually once per quarter.

Further details of the meetings and rules of the OSC can be found in the OSC Rules.

  1. Branch locations:

Each branch should be known by the title of the area in which it serves.

There are no geographical restrictions on where the Branch is located but each Branch shall have a central headquarters in the area which it serves, with new Branches unlikely to be approved if it is within the same vicinity of an existing Branch. People wishing to form a Branch in the same location as an existing Branch will be encouraged to join the established Branch.  The final decision on acceptance lies purely with the OSC Executive Committee ,which may decline a request if the Executive Committee feels it may impact on a Branch already established in the same location.

The establishment of a small number of general Branches will be permitted by the OSC outside of these geographical restrictions. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Birmingham City Women’s Football Club
  • Armed Forces
  • Disabled Supporters

The OSC may make changes to this list as and when it deems appropriate and all Branches will be kept informed via the OSC.

  1. Fees and fundraising:


As the OSC is a voluntary organisation all Branches must be self-supporting.

All Branch members will also automatically become a member of the OSC.

Annual Membership Fee of the OSC:

This fee is determined at the OSC AGM and is intended to help cover the administration and running costs of the OSC.

When a new member joins a branch – that member has 7 days to make the membership fee payment. Failure to do so will result in their membership being terminated. It is the responsibility of Branches to enforce this.

This fee will be £10 per Branch member, regardless of when they join the Branch. There is no charge for under-16s. The Birmingham City Foundation will receive £3 of each fee.

Branches are responsible for their own accounts. This means all branches are expected to keep financial records of payments received on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Branch Data Sheets) and issue receipts to each member for their payments.

Branches will have received a template Excel Spreadsheet ( Branch Data Sheet) and Word Document (Membership Receipts) that can be used as a receipt.


All Branches are expected to hold a Christmas Raffle and will receive a commission on the number of tickets sold within their Branch. This fundraising event is to assist with the running costs of the OSC HQ and individual Branches.

Branches are encouraged to hold fundraising events and activities throughout the year in aid of the Birmingham City Foundation. The contact details of a nominated Branch Committee member will be passed to the Foundation to share fundraising ideas to benefit the disadvantaged members of the local community. The Foundation will help to promote and publicise these fundraising activities.

  1. Benefits of Branch Membership :

Welcome Pack:

New Branches will receive an OSC plaque and flag for their home base, a Branch folder, Branch Committee badges and certificate of official status. Branches will then receive a certificate every year to celebrate their official status.

All Branch members will receive cards personalised with their Branch name, including Branch member’s name, season year and unique Client Reference Number.

Exclusive events each year:

Priority access to purchase a table at the Players Awards Dinner.

You can vote for your Branch’s OSC Player of the Season which will be presented to your winner by one of your members.

Entry into the Official Supporters Club of the Year awards.

Each Branch will be allocated 30 places on a tour of the stadium on a specific day to be agreed.

Chance to play at St Andrew’s for The Alliance Trophy at the end of the season. All Branch OSC’s will be asked to propose players for selection. Exact details of the number of places and the format of the Alliance Trophy will be communicated separately.

Player/Former Players:

Branches may request a player appearance at fundraiser events if a sufficient amount of money is likely to be raised. This will normally be former players but some current players will attend where possible.

Opportunity to request player signed merchandise for fundraising events.

Player Message Access:

Each Branch will have the opportunity to request a video message to one of their members, which the Club will endeavour to fulfil and send back to the Branch lead. This will typically include birthday messages, get well soon messages and good luck messages. The Club reserves the right to refuse messages that it deems inappropriate.

Other benefits:

Use of Club crest and presence on Club website.

The Happy Abode will be turned into the OSC HQ on matchdays and will display a replica plaque given to each Branch.

Priority for Official Club Coaches.

Anyone who joins in 2023/24 season will receive the added status as being defined as a Founder Member with potential associated benefits to be defined in the future.

Access to exclusive OSC merchandise.

Your Branch will be placed on a world map on the website and may be featured in the matchday programme.

Branch Leader:

Invitation to all Blues Open House events.

Owner’s executive box invitation draw.

Dedicated website page for your Branch’s content.

Communication group exclusively for OSC Branch Leaders.

  1. Branch Page:

A Branch Page will be created to operate as an interface between the Branches and the OSC HQ.

This page will be the focal point for helping drive new members to a branch, so ensure that your Branch Page is maintained with the leaders details, leaders image, branch location for meetings and images to showcase your branch. Any updates required can be sent to

All new members will need to complete a standard Members Application Form confirming name, address, date of birth, Client Reference Number, contact number and email address.

All members who do not have a unique Client Reference Number will need to sign up for one via this link Members will also need to declare that they are not subject to any current civil stadium bans at St. Andrews that would negate their membership, and confirm they are not a member of another Branch.

A member can only be a member of one Branch. Exceptions can be made in certain circumstances (e.g. student living away form home, temporary job relocations etc) and will be considered by the OSC HQ in conjunction with the Branch making another application. But if they are granted permission to join an additional branch they will need to pay an additional £10 for the joining of that branch.

Access and knowledge of all Branch members information uploaded to the portal or application forms will be restricted to the OSC HQ and the Club. Branches will have no visibility or access to the members details of other Branches.

  1. Rules, Policies, Support and Guidelines

The Club will provide a website template, email template and standard rules and regulations that it expects all Branches to comply with.

Branches must only use the Club’s official logo and branding and must replace any unofficial logos.

Social media code of conduct (including WhatsApp groups) to be agreed with OSC HQ.

Branch members are expected to comply with the match attendance policies and regulations outlined in the Club’s Supporter Charter.

Branches to commit to undertake certain vetting and checks against all members and officials.

Documentation submitted by Branches to be vetted by OSC HQ against an agreed criteria.

Branches running away trips to inform the OSC in writing of the name of the coach firm and number of passengers. Branches are reminded that alcohol is legally forbidden on Club coaches, but the OSC HQ takes no responsibility for monitoring or enforcing this law.

Branches wishing to make rules for their own self-governance may do so providing they do not contravene the OSC Rules.

Each week Branches are encouraged to provide feedback to the OSC of their match day experiences – home and away – via email to the OSC HQ – This should include reporting of any incidents and/or breach of rules by members. The OSC HQ will meet with the club on behalf of the Branches to discuss issues and suggestions raised to help improve the matchday experience. Branches will receive feedback from OSC HQ of the outcomes of discussions with the Club.

The Rules, Policies, Support and Guidelines contained herein must be replicated by the Branch in its published Rules, Policies, Support and Guidelines.

No OSC or Branch member must ever portray that they represent the Club or seek to gain benefits for themselves or the Branch from the Club or its commercial partners.

All Branch members must conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times.

  1. Overseas Branches

The Club envisage that all elements detailed in sections 1 to 7 will apply for an overseas branch, however the Club and OSC HQ will engage with the leaders of all potential overseas Branches to discuss if some modifications or additions are appropriate.